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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zubli Zainordin Grading Students

Zubli Zainordin
MCD 1333 - Digital Video And Audio Production
Communication And Media Faculty
Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL)
013 649 2014
017 236 0063

Dear Team,

First and foremost, I thank you for your team submission for this task.

Please, in Team, what you send me, CC to your Team Members' email. Else sender may get A, other members A-, for example.

Remember to always include your individual or team photos, respectively, so that I can recognized and identify you immediately. I thank you.

When you include your photos, add this format:


Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
Semester 6 Student
Group A
MCD 1333 - Digital Video And Audio Production
Diploma in Communication And Media
Communication And Media Faculty
Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL)

Please use your full name, as registered at UNISEL

Learn to use front page. This is about the first item your audience or client is looking for.


There are two parts of this task. The first is the preparation. The second is the performance. For the preparation a 100 point bonus has been allocated. Another 100 points for the performance.

The first 100 points shall be given when you complete and sending me via GMail the following:

A. Team Name
B. Team Members, Positions, Roles, and Functions. Team Individual Member Official Photo and A funphoto to include all members in one.
C. Team Structure
D. Team Logo
E. The Song you have selected as your team favorite choice.

The second 100 points shall be given when you do the following performances:

A. Presenters
A1. Personality 10 points
A2. Attire 10 points
A3. Ability To Answer Questions 10 points
A4. On Time (7 minutes) 10 points

B. Presentation
B1. Completeness 10 points
B2. Style 10 points
B3. Interesting 10 points
B4. Enthusiasm 10 points

C. Performance (Overall)
C2. Effectiveness 10 points
C3. Efficiency 10 points

Please refer to my earlier GMail to you...for some pointers from the masters of the art of presentation.

My response as of now...

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